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A complex challenge needs a simple map

A complex challenge needs a simple map

More like movies than snapshots

Products and services are more like movies than snapshots use a storyboard

Similar problems in different environments

The best solutions come from similar problems in different environments

Open ended, optimistic “how might we” phrases

Open ended, optimistic “how might we” phrases force us to look at opportunities and challenges

I need one target customer and one target event

To prototype I need one target customer and one target event (moment on the map)

Make time visible

Make time visible people like to have tight schedules

Assumptions and obsticles lurking beneath

Rephrase dangerous assumptions and possible obsticles lurking beneath into curious, trackable questions

Slow down

Slow down don’t waste time on the wrong part of the problem

Fragmentation hurts productivity

Fragmentation hurts productivity Create long uninterupted device free blocks of time to do meaningful work on big problems

Troublemakers see problems different

Troublemakers see problems different than everybody else – include them Jerks argue for the sake of arguing – exclude them

The decider

The decider should be in the room

Where product and service meet the customer

Learn from the surface that’s where product and service meet the customer

The bigger the challenge

The bigger the challenge the better the sprint

Eliminate “ahscrewits”

Eliminate “ahscrewits” – @derekhalpern

See it from your side

Let me try and see it from your side

What lines?

Lines? What lines?

Let go of the status quo

Let go of the status quo

New ideas are born

New ideas are born somewhere between the Generous Self and the Creative Self

Make your own

Following rules are boring make your own

Choose your customers

Use your power choose your customers

BLOATED with info

BLOATED with info

A MAP not a MENU

We are looking for a MAP not a MENU

Crisis confronts us

Crisis confronts us with brokenness

Speaking the truth into the present

It is not about predicting the future but about speaking the truth into the present

Afraid but blown away!

Afraid but blown away!