Category: Business

Fee-charging gatekeepers

Banks are specialized providers of intermediated trust positioned as fee-charging gatekeepers and managers of financial trafic Claripics #89 Crypto Currency @mikejcasey @paulvigna

Corporate nudity will become common place

Corporate nudity will become common place Spin and message management will be ridiculed RPhillips @citizenrobert

Bad capitalism

Bad capitalism privatises profit and socialises risk Robert Phillips @citizenrobert

Simply being the best of a bad bunch

Simply being the best of a bad bunch has no point Robert Phillips @citizenrobert

More like movies than snapshots

Products and services are more like movies than snapshots use a storyboard

Where product and service meet the customer

Learn from the surface that’s where product and service meet the customer

Choose your customers

Use your power choose your customers

The purpose of business

The purpose of business is to create customers Richard Straub @rstraub46