Category: Society

Banks – a centralized system of trust

Banks create a centralized system of trust and put themselves in the middle – this makes them extremely powerful Claripics #88 Crypto Currency @mikejcasey @paulvigna

People in patriarchal societies

Bitcoin does not know your name and gender – it allows people in patriarchal societies to control their own money. The importance of this cannot be overstated.

Everyone deserves a voice

In a truly democratic world everyone deserves a voice Robert Phillips @citizenrobert

Voice to all

Voice to all Social and democratic communication – of and between people  RPhillips @citizenrobert

Empowerment and activism is rising

Empowerment and activism is rising Public trust in institutions have collapsed Robert Phillips @citizenrobert

Ideas formed by experience

Each generation’s idea of ‘the right way to be’ is formed by it’s experience This is a lens through which the world is understood

It is not about ME

It is not about ME – it is about the betterment of society Elias Masilela @elias_masilela